Our Case Studies


Download our Well-being Coaching Case Studies for Corporate Teams and Healthcare Providers.

Well-being Coaching Program Case Studies

Be Centered In Motion™

Corporate Teams Improve Productivity

Carnelian Connection employee wellbeing program at KIND snacks - Christina Dufour training a team of corporate employees

How KIND Snacks used The Carnelian Connection’s “Be Centered In Motion” Well-being Program to improve productivity, reduce stress, and strengthen their organizational teamwork.

Private Equity Enhance Presentation Skills

How MidOcean Partners collaborated with The Carnelian Connection in the delivery of a “Full Potential Selling & Presentation Skills Training” program to improve self-awareness, confidence, and stress management skills.

Healthcare Providers Reduce Stress

two healthcare providers - nurses - practicing well-being - learning to center their minds

How the University of Wisconsin's School of Nursing used The Carnelian Connection’s Resilience and Stress Management Program to reduce stress and anxiety.

Our Well-Being and Performance Coaching Programs


Individual Coaching

Enhance well-being, improve performance, learn proven strategies, and get results with a trusted coach.

Corporate Well-being

Think progressively by offering training programs that incorporate wellness into performance management with results-based strategies.

Motivational Speaking

Engage your audience with pioneering perspectives on well-being and performance that offer practical strategies for modern professionals.

A few of our connections…

What Clients Have to Say

“Working with Christina has been life changing. I came to her seeking peace from my own cluttered and critical mind. I had huge impostor syndrome in my new role and her teachings taught me how to overcome this feeling and remain calm & grounded.”


“Working with Christina has been so beneficial to my personal well-being and how I interact with my team. I look forward to reading the newsletters each month and the opportunity to check in and learn from Christina. I love bringing this back to my team [so] we can implement the practices.”


“Christina has a positive, uplifting energy that is contagious every time I speak with her. She creates a safe space that I can open up in and pushes me to think about what is possible beyond my limits. I’ve enjoyed our monthly check ins and have stretched my creative and business goals because of them!”